About DangerMouthTM


{% assign show_prev_next_text_links = 'no' %} {{ Enter 'yes' or 'no' }}
{% assign other_products_are = 'no' %} {{ *See NOTE 2 }}
{% assign allow_quantity_selection = 'no' %} {{ Enter 'yes' or 'no' *See NOTE 4 }}
{% assign show_price_range_for_variable_priced_products = 'no' %} {{ Enter 'yes' or 'no' }}

{% assign share_product_tools = 'tweet-like' %} {{ *See NOTE 3 }}

{{ NOTES }}
{{ *NOTE 2: Defines the other products to be shown under the main product area. Valid values are '' (i.e. blank) will show no other products, 'category' will show other products in the first-assigned category of the main product, 'subcategory' will show other products in the first-assigned subcategory of the main product and reverts to category if no subcategory is found, 'in-order' will show the products in regular order (i.e. the order set in your Big Cartel admin area Products), 'newest' will show your newest products, 'top-selling' will show your top selling products, 'on-sale' will show on-sale products, 'prev-next' will show the previous and next product in regular order, 'prev-next-category' will show the previous and next product within the first-assigned top-level category of the main product. }}
{{ *NOTE 3: Defines the type of tools to display for sharing your product page. Valid values are '' (i.e. blank) will show no tools, 'text' will show simple Facebook and Twitter text links, 'like' will show a Facebook like button, 'tweet' will show a Twitter tweet button, 'tweet-like' will show both a Twitter tweet and a Facebook like button, 'addthis' will show simple AddThis multi-share button. }}
{{ *NOTE 4: Defines whether the quantity input field is displayed on the product page, allowing the customer to set the quantity before adding a product to the cart. }}


A HISTORY OF DANGERMOUTH... DM grew out of a simple idea that the world needed more cool Tees designed by the type of people that would wear them. DangerMouths unique slant on geek street apparel came into being when our designers stopped chasing the commercial payload and decided to start using the Mucky platform to have more fun. Ever since then we've started to be creative simply for Shits and giggles. We were all becoming horribly aged as a result of pitching and giving our creative muck away to the highest corporate bidder. So one day Mucky came to me in a (Obi-Wan, ghost like Sherpa style) vision and said….”Turn your back on the man in the suit and go forth to the man in the Tee”. Profound stuff really. Ever since this day we have made it our goal in life to brighten up peoples wardrobes with our own slant on novelty Tees.

DangerMouth is based in the US but our Tee philosophy reaches far. We now have contributing designers from all over the world and aim to grow even further through using our Mucky platform to give chances to budding young designers who feel they might have the Muck within them ☺

Yours sincerely

Kevin Keeton

[email protected]

[email protected]

{% if show_prev_next_text_links == 'yes' %} {% assign get_first = 'now' %} {% assign prev_url = '' %} {% assign prev_made = 'no' %} {% assign next_url = '' %} {% assign current_product_url = product.url %} {% for product in products.all %}{% if product.status != 'hidden' %} {% assign hidden_product = 'no' %} {% for category in product.categories %} {% capture this_cat_down %}{{ category.name | downcase }}{% endcapture %} {% if this_cat_down == 'x options' %} {% assign hidden_product = 'yes' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if hidden_product != 'yes' %} {% if get_first == 'now' %} {% assign first_url = product.url %} {% assign get_first = 'done' %} {% endif %} {% if next_url == blank %} {% if prev_made == 'yes' %} {% assign next_url = product.url %} {% endif %} {% if current_product_url == product.url %} {% assign prev_url = last_url %} {% assign prev_made = 'yes' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% assign last_url = product.url %} {% endif %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% if prev_url == blank and current_product_url != last_url %} {% assign prev_url = last_url %} {% endif %} {% if next_url == blank and current_product_url != first_url %} {% assign next_url = first_url %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% assign is_first = 'yes' %} {% for image in product.images %}
{% if image.width > 450 or image.height > 450 %}{% endif %} Image of {{ product.name | escape }} {% if image.width > 450 or image.height > 450 %} zoom {% endif %}
{% assign is_first = 'no' %} {% endfor %}
{% if product.image_count > 1 %}
    {% for image in product.images %}
  • View image {{ forloop.index }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if other_products_are != blank %}
{% assign current_product_name = product.name %} {% assign current_product_url = product.url %} {% assign other_products = 'none' %} {% capture other_products_title_block %} {% if other_products_are == 'category' or other_products_are == 'subcategory' %} {% if product.categories != blank %} {% assign get_first = 'now' %} {% for category in product.categories %} {% capture this_cat_start %}{{ category.name | truncate: 2, '' }}{% endcapture %} {% unless this_cat_start == 'X ' %}{% unless this_cat_start == 'x ' %}{% unless category.name contains ' - ' %} {% if get_first == 'now' %} {% capture first_parent_cat_title %}
Other Products In {{ category | link_to }}
{% endcapture %} {% capture parent_cat_pre %}{{ category.name }} - {% endcapture %} {% capture parent_not_cat_pre %} {{ category.name }} - {% endcapture %} {% assign other_products = category.products %} {% assign get_first = 'done' %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}{% endunless %}{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% assign got_this_sub_cat = 'no' %} {% if get_first == 'done' and other_products_are == 'subcategory' %} {% for category in product.categories %} {% if got_this_sub_cat == 'no' %} {% if category.name contains parent_cat_pre %}{% unless category.name contains parent_not_cat_pre %} {% capture sub_cat_name %}{{ category.name | replace: parent_cat_pre, '' }}{% endcapture %} {% assign other_products = category.products %} {% capture sub_cat_link %}{{ sub_cat_name }}{% endcapture %} {% capture first_sub_cat_title %}
Other Products In {{ sub_cat_link }}
{% endcapture %} {% assign got_this_sub_cat = 'yes' %} {% endunless %}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if got_this_sub_cat == 'yes' %} {{ first_sub_cat_title }} {% else %} {{ first_parent_cat_title }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% elsif other_products_are == 'in-order' %}
Featured Products
{% assign other_products = products.all %} {% elsif other_products_are == 'newest' %}
Newest Products
{% assign other_products = products.newest %} {% elsif other_products_are == 'top-selling' %}
Top Selling Products
{% assign other_products = products.top_selling %} {% elsif other_products_are == 'on-sale' %}
On-Sale Products
{% assign other_products = products.on_sale %} {% endif %} {% endcapture %} {% if other_products != 'none' %} {% assign loop_count = '0' %} {% assign loop_done = 'no' %} {% for product in other_products %}{% if current_product_name != product.name and product.status != 'hidden' %} {% assign hidden_product = 'no' %} {% for category in product.categories %} {% capture this_cat_down %}{{ category.name | downcase }}{% endcapture %} {% if this_cat_down == 'x options' %} {% assign hidden_product = 'yes' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if hidden_product != 'yes' %} {% unless loop_done == 'yes' %} {% capture loop_count %}{{ loop_count | plus: '1' }}{% endcapture %} {% if loop_count == '1' %}{{ other_products_title_block }}{% endif %} {% if loop_count <= '5' %} {% assign status_label = '' %}{% if product.status == 'sold-out' %}{% assign status_label = '
Sold Out' %}{% elsif product.status == 'coming-soon' %}{% assign status_label = '
Coming Soon' %}{% elsif product.on_sale %}{% assign status_label = '
On Sale' %}{% endif %} {% else %} {% assign loop_done = 'yes' %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endif %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% elsif other_products_are == 'prev-next' or other_products_are == 'prev-next-category' %} {% assign category_other_link = '' %} {% if other_products_are == 'prev-next' %}{% assign other_products = products.all %}{% endif %} {% if other_products_are == 'prev-next-category' %} {% assign get_first = 'now' %} {% for category in product.categories %} {% capture this_cat_start %}{{ category.name | truncate: 2, '' }}{% endcapture %} {% unless this_cat_start == 'X ' %}{% unless this_cat_start == 'x ' %}{% unless category.name contains ' - ' %} {% if get_first == 'now' %} {% capture category_other_link %} In {{ category | link_to }}{% endcapture %} {% assign other_products = category.products %} {% assign get_first = 'done' %} {% endif %} {% endunless %}{% endunless %}{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% assign get_first = 'now' %} {% assign prev_name = '' %} {% assign prev_img = '' %} {% assign prev_url = '' %} {% assign prev_made = 'no' %} {% assign next_name = '' %} {% assign next_img = '' %} {% assign next_url = '' %} {% for product in other_products %}{% if product.status != 'hidden' %} {% assign hidden_product = 'no' %} {% for category in product.categories %} {% capture this_cat_down %}{{ category.name | downcase }}{% endcapture %} {% if this_cat_down == 'x options' %} {% assign hidden_product = 'yes' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if hidden_product != 'yes' %} {% assign status_label = '' %}{% if product.status == 'sold-out' %}{% assign status_label = '
Sold Out' %}{% elsif product.status == 'coming-soon' %}{% assign status_label = '
Coming Soon' %}{% elsif product.on_sale %}{% assign status_label = '
On Sale' %}{% endif %} {% if get_first == 'now' %} {% capture first_name %}{{ product.name }}
{{ product.default_price | money_with_sign }}{{ status_label }}{% endcapture %} {% capture first_img = %}{{ product.image | product_image_url size:"thumb" }}{% endcapture %} {% assign first_url = product.url %} {% assign get_first = 'done' %} {% endif %} {% if next_name == blank %} {% if prev_made == 'yes' %} {% capture next_name %}{{ product.name }}
{{ product.default_price | money_with_sign }}{{ status_label }}{% endcapture %} {% capture next_img = %}{{ product.image | product_image_url size:"thumb" }}{% endcapture %} {% assign next_url = product.url %} {% endif %} {% if current_product_name == product.name %} {% assign prev_name = last_name %} {% assign prev_img = last_img %} {% assign prev_url = last_url %} {% assign prev_made = 'yes' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% capture last_name %}{{ product.name }}
{{ product.default_price | money_with_sign }}{{ status_label }}{% endcapture %} {% capture last_img = %}{{ product.image | product_image_url size:"thumb" }}{% endcapture %} {% assign last_url = product.url %} {% endif %} {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% if prev_name == blank and current_product_url != last_url %} {% assign prev_name = last_name %} {% assign prev_img = last_img %} {% assign prev_url = last_url %} {% endif %} {% if next_name == blank and current_product_url != first_url %} {% assign next_name = first_name %} {% assign next_img = first_img %} {% assign next_url = first_url %} {% endif %}
{% if prev_name != blank %}
← Previous Product{{ category_other_link }}
{% endif %} {% if next_name != blank %}
Next Product{{ category_other_link }} →
{% endif %}
{% if prev_name != blank %} {% endif %} {% if next_name != blank %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{{ product.name }}

{% if product.variable_pricing and show_price_range_for_variable_priced_products == 'yes' %} {{ product.min_price | money_with_sign }} - {{ product.max_price | money_with_sign }} {% else %} {{ product.default_price | money_with_sign }} {% endif %}

{% assign product_is_go = 'yes' %} {% if product.status == 'coming-soon' %}
Coming Soon
{% assign product_is_go = 'no' %} {% elsif product.status == 'sold-out' %}
Sold Out
{% assign product_is_go = 'no' %} {% elsif product.on_sale %}
On Sale
{% endif %} {% if product.description != blank %}
{{ product.description | paragraphs }}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% if product_is_go == 'no' %}
{% if product.has_default_option %} {{ product.option | hidden_option_input }} {% elsif product.variable_pricing %}
{% for option in product.options_in_stock %} {{ option.name }} - {{ store.currency.sign }}{{ option.price | money }} {% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ product.options_in_stock | options_select }}
{% endif %} {% if allow_quantity_selection == 'yes' %}
{{ product | product_quantity_input }}
{% endif %}
Add to Cart
{% if theme.show_inventory_bars %}


    {% for option in product.options %}
  • {% capture inv_title %}{% unless product.has_default_option %}{{ option.name }}{% endunless %}{% if option.sold_out %}{% unless product.has_default_option %} - Sold Out{% endunless %}{% endif %}{% endcapture %} {% if inv_title != blank %}
    {{ inv_title }}
    {% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if share_product_tools != blank %} {% capture link_name %}{{ product.name | replace: "&", "%26" }} by {{ store.name | replace: "&", "%26" }}{% endcapture %} {% capture link_name_enc %}{{ link_name | replace: " ", "%20" | escape }}{% endcapture %} {% capture link_enc %}{{ page.full_url | escape }}{% endcapture %} {% if share_product_tools == 'text' %} {% elsif share_product_tools == 'like' %} {% elsif share_product_tools == 'tweet' %} {% elsif share_product_tools == 'tweet-like' %} {% elsif share_product_tools == 'addthis' %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% if share_product_tools == 'tweet' or share_product_tools == 'tweet-like' %}

{% elsif share_product_tools == 'addthis' %}

{% endif %}